Shoe Ministry
Used shoes are collected in America. Shoe drops are placed in business, churches, thrift stores and others. Shoe drives are a good project for schools, churches, charities, or individuals. Volunteers pick up these shoes, bring them to the shoe collection barn. They are sorted, tied together, bagged, weighed, and labeled, then stored until enough are ready for shipment. When the Virginia team shoes with the Ohio shoes are enough to fill a full size container, they are shipped to Virginia, put into the container, inspected, fumigated, then sent to Norfolk, Virginia, put on a ship and sent to Kenya. Upon arrival, they are sold to shoe vendors.
Housing Settlements
After the shoes have been sold to the shoe vendors, the proceeds pay for expenses, then land is bought for settling widows and their children. Several containers have been sent, land for settlements (villages) bought, then housing is provided as donations come in to Well of Hope. A house has three rooms, a washroom, a concrete floor, furniture, water tank and spouting to catch rainwater into the tank. The plot around the house is used for a garden, chicken coops, and sometimes a goat pen. These items help the widows to have food, and something to sell and share.
Children Sponsorship
Well of Hope has donors in the USA who sponsor widow's children and orphans for schooling in Kenya. The sponsorship fee covers tuition, books, two uniforms per year, and one hot meal a day. Many of these children excel in school and are able to attain employment upon graduating. The need for sponsors seems endless and each child sponsored is given hope for a bright future not possible otherwise. If interested, please email
Clean Water
Donors have blessed these widows and their families with access to clean water by putting in wells in some of the settlements. Also a water truck has been donated for hauling water to some of the settlements, and to sell water to others in the area. Before this, these women and children would walk miles to obtain water, carrying it in containers on their backs. Now, water for personal use, cooking, washing, and irrigation their gardens is readily available making life much more enjoyable. Also, their gardens produce enough to have some items to sell at market.
This is a new church under construction. A church is a very important part of the well being of the women in the settlements. A spiritual focus is needed to keep peace and love paramount as these women live near to each other. Also, at this location children are given spiritual training, a day of interaction with mentors, food and craft activities on most Saturdays. This helps to give a good start to these children and blesses the women so much.
Food Distribution
Generous contributions from Well of Hope America has made it possible to distribute much food to the special women and their families in Kenya through tough times, Covid era, and drought seasons. Food donations are always needed. Thank you donors!!